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S3 licensed
Have you tried to UNLOCK S2 again? It's very probable that your licence has dropped to DEMO on a new mobo/CPU config.
S3 licensed
I like it a lot, very nice work. One of the best around
S3 licensed
Turn off AA/AF in LFS options. Force AA/AF in video driver control panel.

If it doesn't help try switching color depth to 16-bit in LFS (this will sacrifice picture quality though).
S3 licensed
Yep, interesting documentary. The site has been translated to many languages, click here.
S3 licensed
One onboard lap from modernized LRP layout (ALMS'08)
S3 licensed
Quote from ssm :Oh yeah, I saw the demo videos of "Driver's Republic" and it was one of the lamest games I have ever seen.

Really? It actually appealed to me back then as it felt quite nice and was fun to drive. Oh wait, how it relates to iRacing?
S3 licensed
Hehe you're welcome. Seems you're having a fun
S3 licensed
A bit of googling makes wonders
S3 licensed
Hmmm works fine with my classic visa card. You might want to try PayPal method instead if you need urgently S2 license
S3 licensed
Quote from ColonelK :This STILL happens. Are there any plans to fix it at all?

Fix what precisely? Anyway, this is not likely going to happen. I percept the current locking scheme behavior rather like a design feature than a bug. Just imagine unlock is valid and bound to HW+OS combo. If you replace one of those, LFS would deliberately revert back to DEMO in sake of security measure. S2FULL/DEMO status is persisted somewhere in customer file under data/misc folder, that explains the issue you're experiencing with OS changes.

Having and maintaining two separate S2 installations (or at least misc folders) isn't such a big deal, is it?
S3 licensed
Quote from aoun :Also a question, if i get an invite, does that invite me to have the chance to purchase the subscription or what?

Yes you will be provided with a unique code allowing you to register and shell out fixed $20 for initial 1 month subscription. After that you may either stick with basic content or buy additional cars/tracks. As for subscription - you may prolong for another 1,3,6,12 month periods, the more you pay in advance the more bonus dollars you will get back to redeem on future purchases.
S3 licensed
Quote from Nick A :
A couple of questions though, can anyone explain the colour coding on the ”relative” display? I think blue means 1 lap down, but I’m not sure about the others. Also, I assume it is not possible to save replays yet?

afaik it's like this:
Red - car is more than one lap ahead
Orange - car is a lap ahead
White - car on the same lap
Green -car is a lap behind
Blue - Car is more than one lap behind

And no replays can't be saved at the moment. Apparently replay structure is still being worked on (optimizations to reduce file size and hopefully increase precision).
S3 licensed
I've done my first Skip Barber quali and been thrown on a server with Greger Huttu . He won the session obviously with a lap faster by 2.7s than my best

Did I say that Skip@InfineonCup is a lot of fun? Yeah. Valid to at least practise and quali sessions, yet have to find out whether it applies to actual racing as well (have some concerns...).

BTW I've commited to one year subscription and about to focus mainly on road racing thus spent extra dollars on road content. Looking forward to race you guys eventually.
S3 licensed
Guys if you haven't ran Advanced Solstice at Summit Point (track for this week), give it a go. It feels fresh and different to LS and LRP. Challenging tight twisty sections etc., me likes

iRacing ident: Tomas Vala
Last edited by TV[cz], .
S3 licensed
PLAYLIFE: Sad story, good reading though It's called experience and I am sure you won't have such an awful race anytime soon. I had a row of nice and enjoyable races and then yesterday out of blue a horrible race occured, T1 pileups and serious hi-speed incident on straight, got about 15 inc points. I was a bit stressed about it and hesitated to join races for a while but then finally signed up and with some luck managed to win clean and competitive race, quite a relief and confidence booster.

Just keep turning laps to feel more in control and comfortable with rules and rewarding races will start happening for you eventually as well. And yes both quali and TT will improve your SR considerably if you avoid mistakes (imo 3-4 inc points per session are quite normal and adds some +0.0x to your SR).

Good luck with SR and see you on the track.
Last edited by TV[cz], .
S3 licensed
Hey do not misunderstand me, I am not the one who complains here.

Quote from franky500 :
What i would like to see is where anything says that all the updates / improvements will be done in a specific way and to a USERS time frame? or to any time frame in fact.

Nowhere but in people's imagination, no arguing about that
S3 licensed
Quote from danowat :I would also like to see where this PROMISE of continual free updates is too.........

While not precisely promise, still an indication that you're buying a permition to use WIP product is stated in the Licence Agreement. No word on countless updates though

1.4 You must be aware that we can alter any aspect of LFS as we see fit. Improvements, fixes and/or changes made to the game, are to be expected.
S3 licensed
Ian.H and whiners: Don't you think that you're taking the thing way too serious then? Sims are nothing more than toys for big boys. If you feel more comfortable with lolFactors and alike then stick with it and don't waste your time coming back to LFS and forums in order to voice bold statements about devs and generalizations about other community members who actually do enjoy the sim in the current incarnation. It's obvious that it will never ever please you no matter what. You don't really expect development pace to be significantly speeded up if you personally keep insisting on it, do you? So what's the point then? You didn't subsribe to lifetime supply of racing fun for 24,- GBP. Developers are smart and well aware of situation, have some trust in them, and courtesy.

LFS is supposed to be entertaining, and for it's price tag i haven't seen anything providing so much fun and intensive experience over a number of years. Yes in theory it could be much better and completed by now though it is not, so what - should we all start to be worried and depressed because of that? Slow progress is still a progress or would you like see LFS abandoned instead? I am open to trying new things and do enjoy a ride in other sims now and then, but for whatever reason I am finding myself back in LFS regularly, as it has some special touch and feeling that other sims seem to lack (though they provide different means of entertainment and that's fine). Take it or leave it, to each to his own. If you expect instant perfection you would be dissapointed and it applies to everything.
S3 licensed
Much appreciated, thank You! :yipee:
S3 licensed
Quote from Fischfix :which screen capture software do you use? i can only select my webcam which is... useless

VH Screen Capture Driver (free)
S3 licensed
Quote from hyntty :
Maybe the quality would be better if I had two monitors and whole-screen lfs?

I suppose yes. At least it would give you precise control over screen size & frame-caption so you will be able to skip resizing in VHSC. When we are at VHSC - I've achieved more fluent video with options "Optimise screen capture", "Optimise screen deliver" set to OFF.

EDIT: I don't know how VHSC would perform with capturing from 2nd, mid-res fullscreen desktop, though.
S3 licensed
Yep it's quite bearable, for the cost.

Some tweaking here and there, view-angles, sound and you're ready to broadcast. I am curious what options (quality, bandwidth) zaplive offer, must take a look on it later.
S3 licensed
Who the feck cares.

OT: Is it my personal feeling or has this forum really recently turned into a place where people keep coming to voice their often strongly critical/negative opinion for the pure sake of nagging? Take a look at iRacing threads, it's beyond me how some individuals have continual need to post and dispute in matters they admit/pretend aren't interested in at all.
S3 licensed
Of course they have Scavier's permission. They're even listed on official pages with a remark of providing additional services.
S3 licensed
You're attempting to stuff 64-chars of (constant) text into one char (at index 64 in an arrray), that's not possible

Try something like this instead (size unsafe though):

strcpy(is_mst.Msg, "^7InSim Connected Successfully! ");